Monday, June 10, 2013

Television Actresses Fail to Raise $32,000 for Their Percussive Folk Band

Zosia Mamet is one of the stars of HBO's Girls.  Clara Mamet is a regular on the ABC sitcom The Neighbors.  Their father is David Mamet, a man with a Pulitzer Prize and writing credits like Glengarry Glen Ross  and The Untouchables to his name.  His daughters tried to use Kickstarter to raise $32,000 to make a music video for their experimental folk song 'Bleak Love'.  Today they failed.

The instinct in cases like this is to rant and rail against the wealthy elites who are so detached they believe it's okay to ask people to support their personal hobby in an amount about equal to what many of those people pull down in a year, but we have to remember that such individuals grew up in a unique cultural context and have feelings and dreams and tastefully apportioned New York City brownstones and enough money to wallpaper their rooms with and that they can probably take it so rant and rail away.

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