Tuesday, January 21, 2014

New Maleficent trailer really hopes you remember and love Sleeping Beauty

Earlier this week, Disney released a new trailer for Maleficent, the latest in the company's ongoing attempt to remake their animated catalogue with more expensive people in the lead roles. Their strategy for this trailer is to remind you that Sleeping Beauty was a movie, that you liked it, and that it will be the same this time. They achieve this by splicing in bits from the animated original alongside the corresponding scenes from this live-action version, which works okay until you remember that Imelda Staunton, who plays good fairy Knotgrass, is not that small and cannot fly. Disney has promised that the movie will explore the betrayals that turned the title villain's "pure heart to stone." There's still isn't much to suggest what those betrayals involve, but Angelina Jolie continues to look suitably imposing in the lead role, smirking, scowling, and tittering maniacally in great big billowy gowns it's assumed she'll have the grace not to trip over when the movie opens on May 30th. Watch the trailer below.

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